Carpet Wars: Wynn v Encore Las Vegas

16 Jul 2024
Jonathan Raab 16 Jul 2024
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  • Wynn and Encore Las Vegas Carpets
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Wynn Las Vegas Carpet
Which casino has the best carpet, Wynn or Encore?
One of the nice things about staying at Wynn Las Vegas or its sister hotel Encore is that the decor of the place is rather pleasing. Of course its an each to their own situation and not everyone likes the same thing, with some finding both venues' brightly coloured adornments a little too gaudy. 

Generally however both the Wynn and Encore Las Vegas have positive feedback regarding the look and feel of the hotels and casinos in the interconnected five star resort. 

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and I was smitten by the Wynn's Roger Thomas designs when I discovered them on my first ever trip to the desert city in 2005. 

At that time the Encore wasn’t in existence, but the Wynn alone was a cut above the majority of other casinos on the strip, or certainly it seemed so. One of the first things that greets you as you walk in to the Wynn are mosaics on the floor.
Wynn Mosaic
Wynn Las Vegas Sea Creature Mosaic
When I returned to Las Vegas last December for the WPT World Championship, it was my first visit for 16 years and what a difference this time lapse has made to the place. It has grown so much and while a lot of it is still more or less the same as it was on my last visit in 2007, there’s just so much more of it now. 

The population of the city has doubled to over 2.5m and there are so many more hotels and casinos that simply didn’t exist when I was last here. This includes not only the Encore, but the Palazzo, the Aria, Cosmopolitan, Resorts World and the Fontainebleau, all of which make the Strip a much busier place than it used to be. There was also no Sphere back then either.
Las Vegas Sphere
Sphere today, still Sphere tomorrow
I stayed at Encore this time and at first I thought it was very similar to Wynn, however after a few days had passed and the jet-lag had worn off, I began to realise that the key difference between the two hotels is their carpets. At first glance they may look similar, both being a deep red with vibrant coloured designs. Upon closer inspection however they are quite different. 
Encore Las Vegas Butterflies Carpet
Encore Las Vegas Casino Floor Carpet
The theme of the carpets at the Encore is most definitely butterflies and once you’ve realised this you start spotting butterflies in other places too, such as on the walls, on light fittings and in the lobby.  

Outside the main entrance there is even a very large statue of the same colourful flying insects. Beautifully coloured butterflies in different shapes and sizes flutter away beneath your feet as you stroll down one of the long walkways through the casino. 
Butterflies Statue Encore Las Vegas
Encore Las Vegas
The design of the carpets in the Wynn is more what I would describe as an octopus’s garden, in the shade. It’s a mixture of elements, ambiguously depicting flowers, sea plants and the odd marine creature, all seemingly floating on fish tank like expanses of luscious red carpet. 
Wynn Las Vegas Carpet
Wynn Las Vegas Walkway Carpet

Which Do I Prefer?

The red of the Wynn carpet seems slightly more radiant than that of the Encore. The design of the Wynn carpet is also more intriguing, with room for different interpretations of what each of the elements represents. 

There can be little doubt about what the designs on the Encore carpets represent. Its butterflies. Nice butterflies yes, but just butterflies. 

While they are both pleasing to the eye, the ambiguity and originality of the Wynn's aquamarine melange, along with its ever so slightly more vibrant red colour wins the day for me.
Encore Las Vegas Butterflies
Encore Las Vegas Walkway Carpet

Which Do You Prefer?

As already mentioned, everyone has their own personal favourite, its not a right or wrong situation. Which rug tugs your boat the most?

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